It is up to you to read carefully, conduct the experiments and use your deductive reasoning skills to find out which suspect* stole the Master Key. To help you deduce who-did-it, print out the handy table below. After you complete each experiment mark next to each suspect’s name how that experiment relates to their guilt or innocence.
When you are done with all the experiments look carefully at your filled in table. It should be very apparent who stole the key.
There are five suspects. All of them are snodlops and all of them are members of the Puzzling Pranksters of Pawd, a small group who claim they are the great descendants of Pawd.
Pawd was a misled mischievous snodlop who lived many generations ago. He hated the griffins who held The Master Key, which can unlock the gate between Earth and Gaia. Pawd and his followers believed snodlops are the rightful caretakers of The Master Key and that it must be destroyed at all costs!
The five suspects are:
- Mr.Plover
- Ms.Crowler
- Mr.Grazzbur
- Ms.Blodderum
- Mr. Mopster